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Textiles naturales > About Textiles Naturales

About Textiles Naturales

Loom suppliers in Spain – Handweaving and handwoven design is our passion … and our job!


Who are we

At Textilesnaturales and Anna Champeney Studio we´ve been sharing our passion for weaving and designing on handlooms since 2000.

Whether you are a designer or professional maker, a textile craft lover … or simply want to to weave beautiful craft for the home, family and friends we hope you can enjoy our services and products.

Our expertise is based on the fact that we are professional makers with decades of experience  –  We are designers with our own design label as well as being teachers and selling looms and accessories online.  We sell our collections online and via design stores and top craft and design fairs.

A different kind of course.  We love designing original, contemporary handwoven fabrics which reveal our own style and we want you to be able to as well so our approach is to encourage you to design and develop your own style rather than copy patterns from books, as well as weave by hand.

So right from our beginner courses upwards we inspire you to go further than simply replicating patterns from pattern books (although that´s great too).  We give you the tools to design and weave your own textiles rather than just limiting you to “classic” weaving styles.  We have worked for years with UK textile undergraduates, offering them internships to show them how a small design, production and teaching studio works and we also offer courses and one-to-one tuition to private students from around the world.  Our students come from Spain and the UK but also from Latin America, Hungary and as far as the Island of Mauritius and South Africa.  We also write articles and take part in craft and design conferences.

Experience counts!  We have used Louet products since 2001 on a regular basis for our own production work and for courses and dye our beautiful natural yarns in-house.  These include Louet table looms, Spring floor looms and 32-shaft Megado compu-dobby looms.  So we have excellent product knowledge.

Constant experimentation – Experimentation and handwoven research has been in our DNI from when we began in 2000.  All our textiles produced for sale are research projects in their own right.  We love exploring different techiques especially multi-layered fabrics and computer design for handweaving.

Multi-lingual – We speak English, Spanish, Catalan and Gallego (Galician).

A commitment to quality and the natural environment

environ friendlyPlanet-friendly quality – We select and create quality products, and have a preference for products which respect the environment.

  • Louet looms – We represent Louet looms for their superb design, because they use clean energy, sustainable timber and protective finishes made from a special water-based lacquer with superior environmental qualities.

Responsive to your needs


We genuinely want you to enjoy our products and courses and aim to be open to your comments and opinions.

  • We make Louet and Ashford loom assembly easier for our Spanish clients by translating the English instructions into Spanish.
  • Our blog and facebook sites are where we pass on tips, tell you about products and services, discuss common problems and share news and views and our pupils´ experiences.
  • We send out a new bulletin with offers, news, course information and tips.  Sign up here to receive it.

This content is available in: Español