¿Te interesa realizar un curso online de tècnicas del tejido en telar con Anna Champeney?

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Louet Megado: Innovación en telares de bajo lizo

El telar ideal para tejedores profesionales, para escuelas de diseño textil, y para artistas textiles digitales.  Cuando Anna Champeney, nuestra profe de telar, compró un telar dobby con ordenador – el Louet Megado – después de tejer con telares de sobremesa y telares de contramarcha – sabía que, con los 32 lizos, abriría un montón de posibilidades.  Y, sin duda, el Megado es uno de los telares más sofisticado y innovadores que existe para artesanas profesionales en este momento – sin pasar a un telar Jacquard.

Estos teneís un dibujo en forma de hoja de vid – que a Anna el Megado le ha permitido tejer a mano – que serian imposibles en cualquier otro telar de contramarcha.

Hojas de viña tejidas en telar de bajo lizo.

Muestra con diseño original tejida en telar Megado. Anna Champeney.

Astoundingly beautiful – Jennifer Robertson´s double and triple cloths

scarf in gallery 900 pixIt´s not often that we profile other weavers in our blog.  But I just had to share the incredible work of Jennifer Robertson with you.  She´s a British-trained weaver but (sadly for us in Europe!!!!) emigrated to Australia in the 1986s.  She studied textiles at West Surrey College of Art and Design and then went on to the Royal College of Art in London.

I find her work is incredibly beautiful, her use of colour masterly, and there is a sheer intelligence and enjoyment of weave in her work which really resonates with me.

Enjoy the pictures – and if you possibly can – invest in a piece of her hand-woven work from her online shop.  The scarves are good value for money for what they are and  believe me, they are masterworks.  If you aspire to create beautiful and accomplished woven textiles of your own – then a textile of hers should inspire, amaze and inform you for years to come!

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If you feel inspired by her work and have a 4 or 8 shaft loom you can weave double or triple layer fabrics.  Check out our courses or book some one-to-one tuition with us and start weaving double-weave fabrics of your own.



Warping my loom for prototype textiles for Formex (Sweden) and Tent (London) Design Fairs


1. Winding the warp

Weaving prototype designs for my textile collection to be shown at Formex in Sweden and Tent Design Fair in London in August and September 2013 respectively.


And the actual designs?  Just wait and see!


2. Warp chain (keeps the long warp threads from tangling)

The yarn, a lovely 10/1 silk-wool singles yarn, twists slightly because it´s unbalanced, making it harder to thread.  But it´s been pretty easy otherwise.  I´m using it at 10hpc.


3. Winding the back beam


4. Threading the heddles to “programme” the pattern


5. Sleying the reed to space the threads to get the weight, width and handle of fabric that the project requires.