Comprar plaids de Anna Champeney de altisima calidad – por 250€ en vez de 330€ – 9 – 18 de febrero.
(English version at end)
Hace mucho tiempo que no hemos estado en Madrid, y Anna tiene mucha ilusión de veros en persona en la exposición Rasgos Intangibles.
Ella expone junto a otros miembros de SACo en un expo patrocinado por Mazda y estará en la exposición – y la tienda “Pop-Up” dentro del mismo Palacio de Santa Barbara, el jueves 9 y viernes 10 de febrero 2023.
Woven City (Ciudad tejida), una instalación por Anna Champeney, imaginando el paisaje urbano, suavizado con rascacielos y bloques de pisos fabricados de telas de lana merina.
Así se aprecia muy bien la fuente de inspiración y el carácter inusual de los plaids de lana “Soft Urban” de Anna – con un diseño de escala grande y asimétrico, de bloques de color, con la técnica de tejido doble y en fin, un diseño sorprendente y totalmente diferente a los típicos plaids de cuadros, rayas o de un color.
OFERTA ESPECIAL EN PLAIDS BUMP – hasta 19 de febrero 2023
Compra un plaid Bump por sólo 250€ en vez de 330€ (+ 12€ envio). Ahorras 80€.
Te llega en una caja especial de presentación. Contacta con nosotros, con la referencia de la manta que más te gusta (del izq. a der: Bump Mulbery Spice, Bump Pizza, Bump Forest, Bump Tobacco).
La oferta se aplica a las mantas que tenemos en existencias.
English Translation
It´s been ages since were last in Madrid. Anna is excited at the prospect of seeing many of you there -she´ll be exhibiting alongside other members of SACo (The Spanish Contemporary Craft Association) in this special exhibition sponsored by Mazda, who exhibit alongside to show the way they use craft techniques in the design of their vehicles.
Anna will be at the exhibition and Pop-Up shop at the Palacio de Santa Barbara, Madrid, on Thursday 9th and Friday 10th February 2023. Do come if you can!
Anna will be showing an installation piece, Woven City, imagining an urban landscape, softened,with skyscrapers and city blocks constructed with woven merino wool.
The installation reveals the inspiration behind Anna´s merino plaid collection, her love of colour and design and her attention to detail in terms of finishes.
Our offer on Bump throws is available to clients in Europe and the USA. Pay 250€ + p&p instead of the normal price of 330€.
We apologise to our British customers, but, as with many other small (or medium-sized!) companies, Brexit has simply proved too complicated and costly to continue supplying our customers in the UK.
Offer whilst stocks last.
The value of hand-woven textiles – Swans Island Blankets hand-woven in Maine
Manta de 100% lana orgánica de Swans Island Blankets en Maine. Precio: (versión grande en azul indigo) 1059€ (2013)
¿Who´d not love a blanket like this one?
It´s hand-woven, made from organic merino wool, and is dyed with natural dyes.
No, it´s not a blanket from Anna Champeney Estudio Textil in Spain, although you might think so. It has, in fact, been woven thousands of miles away by Swans Islands Blankets, en Maine, USA.
Baby blankets by Swans Island Blankets
The company makes these blankets just once a year, and includes one-off as well as limited edition pieces. And if you´re looking for their largest size, measuring 275 x 225cm, dyed with indigo, you´re looking at price tag of around 900 pounds. Expensive, maybe, but definitely worth it for those who have that kind of disposable income.
Maybe it´s not something most of us can think about but a heirloom baby blanket costing 147€ is really quite reasonable for a high quality product. And with a Swans Island blanket and you always have the opportunity to add personalised monograms available as an extra.
In Galicia, Spain, where Anna Champeney has her textile studio, she is always suprised to hear so many people lamenting about the fact that “people don´t appreciate the real value of craft”.
…. Anna believes the main problem occurs when either the product itself isn´t of sufficiently high quality or else the promotion and marketing is not right, “I and many other makers have a lot to learn when it comes to marketing. It´s hard job to achieve the level of promotion that other, bigger craft businesses achieve when you work alone because you are responsible from everything – from the design and actual making to writing blog posts and even cleaning of the workshop”.
Swans Island Blankets has a team of at least 6 weavers and have 4 AVL looms, together with a person responsible for the dyes … and others who look after the online shop, fairs, etc..
What is the moral of the tale?
Hand-woven one-off scarves in silk and wool with natural dyes. Available direct from Anna Champeney Estudio Textil in the textilesnaturales shop.
For craftspeople like Anna, it´s necessary to try and forge a way ahead to match the quality of the product with the quality of the presentation.
For clients and potential clients of craft weavers like Anna it´s important to try and judge the actual quality of the design and workmanship rather than rely on a slick marketing or a sophisticated online shop.