¿Te interesa realizar un curso online de tècnicas del tejido en telar con Anna Champeney?

Si te interesa aprender técnicas de diseño y tejido en telar de bajo lizo online, escríbanos y suscribir a nuestro boletín. ¿Te interesa aprender a tejer online y aprender técnicas profesionales de diseño?

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Textiles naturales > Blog > Uncategorized

Beginners´ corner. Weaving with 2 shuttles – Amazing effects with colour

Weaving with two shuttles means you can try out lots of colour-and-weave effects.


Using 2 shuttles – and two colours – in weft can transform designs.

You can weave the stripey purple and white fabric on a rigid heddle loom as it uses plainweave.  This and all the other designs are possible on 4 shaft looms except the fabric with red and purple squares on – which requires 8 shafts.

Design principle:  When the structure of the weave interacts with colour to produce a striking design this is known as “colour-and-weave” effects in weaving.  The most popular is dog-tooth check but there are many  more.  The effect in the first photo is known as “log cabin”.




We´re giving away a free course voucher worth 150 euros!

cheque regalo bTo celebrate our first year showing at Creativa Madrid (16 – 19 October 2014) we´re giving away a free course voucher.  It´s valid for 12 months and you can use it towards the cost of any of our group weave courses of 24 hours or longer.  Courses are given in Spanish but English language support is available.

It´s free to participate in our free draw.  Simply send us an email or  “like us” in either of our facebook accounts on any on one of the days of the Creativa fair – 16 – 19 October 2014.



This is just one of our fantastic offers to coincide with the fair.  To see our special offers on yarns, textiles and looms click here to see our offers page.


Visita nuestro stand en Creativa Madrid 16 – 19 de octubre 2014 – Visit us at Creativa Madrid this October

Creativa Madrid 16 – 19 de octubre 2014 en el Pabellón de Cristal, Casa de Campo

ac estudio textil en creativa madrid 850(See English translation at end)

!Ven a conocernos en el stand de Anna Champeney Estudio Textil en Creativa Madrid, este año!


  • ¿Te gustaría hacer un curso textil con nosotros?  Sorteamos de un cheque regalo 150€ para cursos textiles

¿Piensas comprar un telar para navidades o reyes?  Regalamos un curso gratis con cada compra de un telar.

  • ¿Te gustaría llevar un tejido Anna Champeney?  Te ofrecemos un descuento muy tentador
  • ¿Te gustaría empezar a tejer con un telarcito o usar los hilos teñidos con tintes naturales?  Tenemos una oferta muy tentadora para ti.

Pero no te preocupes si no puedes acudir a la feria – visitanos en facebook durante los días de la feria para estar informad@ o ver más información aqui.

Nuestro stand en Creativa 2014

!Ven a conocernos!

  1. Ver y comprar tejidos Anna Champeney Estudio Textil
  2. Cheques regalo
  3. Ver demonstraciones de tejido en telar en telares Louet y Ashford
  4. Descubrir como te puede aydar mejorar la calidad de tus diseños – demostraciones de diseño textil en telar (bajo petición):  Weavepoint
  5. Informarte sobre cursos y todos los productos nuestros

Hasta vernos,

Anna and Lluis


English translation

Come and see us at the Anna Champeney stand at Creativa Madrid this year.  

We´ve got some delectable special offers including discounted textile design (or, why not, commission us to make you a personalised version), raffle of a free gift voucher for our intensive 24h (or longer) textile courses.   And if you´re thinking of buying a loom from us or some of our natural-dyed wool we´ve got special offers there too.  

At our stand you can see and buy a selection of our high quality scarves and cushions with natural designs, yarns and original designs.  We´ll also be there to demonstrate hand-weaving on Louet and Ashford table looms.  If you are a weaver and are interested in improving your designs by starting to use weave design software then come and talk to us;  we can give you an introduction to Weavepoint software by appointment (contact us first by phone or text us on T.669 600 620).  


We hope to see you there!

Anna and Lluis