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textilesnaturales and Lluis Grau in French magazine Le Lief Creatif

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHere is Figulus, our workshop cat, reading the french magazine “Le Lien Creatif”.

On page 7 you can find a letter published in the section “Courrier des lecteurs” by “M.”.

“M.” (alias Daniel Marchetti) is a French shepherd and business entrepreneur who lives with Gaelle, his artist partner, in the Alpes Marítimos.  They came to stay at textilesnaturales in Galicia last year and enjoy some one-to-one tuition with Lluis in the special Catalan basketry techniques.

Here he describes his visit to us – describing Lluis as the “ambassador for catalan basketry) and the village of Cristosende as “an adorable village with vineyards” in Galicia.

Thanks for such a nice write-up Daniel and we hope to see you and Gaelle again,

Anna and Lluis


P.S.  Si quieres probar la cestería en un curso con Lluis este verano, click aqui para  Más información.


foto lluis

Hand-dyed fine chequerboard scarves in 100% natural linen

Pink and slate blue fine plainweave scarfvainica and detail of weaveGentle salmon pink and slate blue natural dyes are being used to weave the latest design on the loom here at Anna Champeney Estudio Textil.

The scarf being woven is wide width and unusually fine.

Being woven in double-weave it  has a superior drape and crinkles less than conventional linen scarves.

Notice the hand-stitched detail – also a rare feature of a painstakingly woven textile.

To purchase similar scarves please visit the online shop.


Now there are 3 of us! !Ahora somos 3!

We invite you to celebrate with us because our baby daughter was born just 3 weeks ago.

craft baby

Baby basket (Textilesnaturales) made with authentic Catalan Spanish style

Here she is in an authentic Catalan baby basket, wrapped in a handwoven linen blanket-cape (both made by her parents at Textilesnaturales of course!).