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Fabric weaving for beginners in Spain with Anna Champeney Estudio Textil. Course photos14 July 2013


Day 4 of the course.  The 4 and 8 shaft Louet looms are all set up with beautiful, crisp linen warps.  Now for the fun bit –  weaving and exploring different patterns, yarns and colours to produce samples of beautiful, original hand-made fabrics.

By the end of this afternoon we´ll have cut the samples off the looms and washed them.   We´ll have a discussion about the different fabrics and use them as a basis to design and weave final projects.
Curso con Gonzalo Sandra y Alberto p7 2013

We´ve had wonderful summer weather in Galicia, north Spain, all week.

A couple of afternoons it looked stormy – with a striking golden light against heavy grey skies that you can see in a couple of the photos, taken from the course building.  But the storm never fully developed.  Just as well, given the fact that some were camping nearby in Parada do Sil.

The atmosphere has been great during the course.  Very relaxed and friendly.  At 12 we´ve stopped for a coffee and biscuits or local bica (the local lardie cake) and a chat.  The course hours are “Spanish” so there´s time at midday to have a relaxing picnic or dip in the local river or even have lunch in one of the restaurants in nearby Castro Caldelas or Parada do Sil.

Curso Gonzalo Sandra Alberto 072013

Does the sound of spending a week learning to weave your own fabrics in north Spain sound good to you?  Contact us to find out when the next course is.


Preparing for our summer weave courses in Galicia, Spain


Preparando cursoa 500 pix9 de Julio 2013  !It´s really hot today in Galicia, north Spain!

We´re preparing Casa dos Artesans, our holiday cottage, for the first weave course of the summer.

Despite the heat our pupils will feel very comfortable here on the ground floor of Casa dos Artesans.

The building is traditionally built of stone and is slightly subterranean so keeps cool whatever the temperature outside.










Something else that´s new this summer is our new weave shop devoted to everything weavery.  Here you can find Louet looms, weave books, baskets to hold your yarns or shuttles, and our own natural dyed wools plus linen yarn of different thicknesses.  Please call us before visiting to arrange a time that is mutually convenient (T.669 600 620).
















The next photo is just to remind you of the idyllic setting of www.textilesnaturales.com in the Canyon del Sil in the heart of Galicia´s “Sacred Riverside”.  The cottage on the extreme right of the photo is Casa dos Artesans.













Cottage holidays at Casa dos Artesans

Cottage holidays at Casa dos Artesans

Here´s a close-up…










… and a photo of one of the bedrooms where you, as a pupil, have the option of staying during the course.  We hope that a course with us is a specially pleasurable experience!

double room    habitación de matrimonio

double room habitación de matrimonio

100% lana Shetland para tejer en telar


HILO DE LANA SHETLAND     oferta           

7/2nm   (3500 mts. por kilo)


  • Descripción: Una lana natural Shetland disponible en una gama de colores especialmente agradable
  • Información técnica:  Esta lana es resistente y se puede usar para urdimbre y trama para tejido de bajo y también se presta para tejidos de alto lizo.
  • Sugerencias para uso: mantas de uso exterior ( de picnic), telas para tapizar muebles, para tejer abrigos y chaquetas tradicionales, tapices y alfomras y trabajos decorativos de tejido de alto lizo.
  •  Precio:  21,60€ por cono

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