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Warping my loom for prototype textiles for Formex (Sweden) and Tent (London) Design Fairs


1. Winding the warp

Weaving prototype designs for my textile collection to be shown at Formex in Sweden and Tent Design Fair in London in August and September 2013 respectively.


And the actual designs?  Just wait and see!


2. Warp chain (keeps the long warp threads from tangling)

The yarn, a lovely 10/1 silk-wool singles yarn, twists slightly because it´s unbalanced, making it harder to thread.  But it´s been pretty easy otherwise.  I´m using it at 10hpc.


3. Winding the back beam


4. Threading the heddles to “programme” the pattern


5. Sleying the reed to space the threads to get the weight, width and handle of fabric that the project requires.


Double weave courses and linen double weave table runner by AC Estudio TExtil

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMy simple and contemporary design for a double weave table runner can be woven on just 8 shafts – IF you have a table loom!  Otherwise you need a countermarch loom with more than 20 pedals.

If you´d like to try your hand at double weave then contact me about tuition options at Anna Champeney Estudio Textil.

We´re situated in a stunning and tranquil part of northwest Spain, in a village overlooking vineyards and the River Sil Cañon.


Contact:  00 34 669 600 620 / textilesnaturales@gmail.com.




Young spanish fashion designers get up close to textiles at ESDEMGA with profesional weaver Anna Champeney

esdemga proyectos 2013 1st yearsEach year first years at Vigo University´s Fashion Design course have an unusual challenge:  to create or modify a garment or design a fashion accessory using fabrics woven by themselves on simple hand-looms.

These students are not craft or weave students but at ESDEMGA fashion school they have the chance to study simple weave techniques and the elements of woven textile design with professional weaver and designer of hand-woven fabrics, Anna Champeney.

Some of ESDEMGA´s students will be the fashion designers of tomorrow.  But of course, they could also become part of the new generation of design-makers in Spain, making hand-made limited editions by hand.  Or a combinatio of the two.

Craft has always been present in high-end couture pieces and to create additional drama on the catwalk.  But in the work of small-scale, high-end independent designers craft is also increasingly present, both as an ideal, an inspiration and means of production.

The future of craft in Spain also depends, more than ever, on design skills as well as making skills.