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Loom weaving course in Spain with British textile weaver and designer Anna Champeney

Cottage holidays at Casa dos Artesans

Cottage holidays at Casa dos Artesans

It´s been an intensely hot week here in Galicia north Spain.  The blue skies, the intense green of the terraced vineyards and the flowering sweet chestnut trees all mean that it´s the height of summer here.

But was it just the outside temperature or the heat generated by all the hard work and energy of the 5 students on our summer weaving course?

0 800 Andrea weaving 0 800 La urdimbre de Andrea 0 800 pix algunos proyectos antes de lavar 0 800 pix Ana concentrandose mientras enhebra los lizos de su telar 0 800 pix Analisis final del curso 0 800 pix colour changes on loom 0 800 pix muestrario muy variado por Mercedes 0 800 pix pata de gallo by Dolores 0 800 pix proyecto macos 0 800 pix raya en naranja por Andrea 0 800 pix the one & only Macus from Chicago 0 800 pix white linen by AnaAndrea, Macos, Ana, Dolores and Mercedes were a fantastic group and as you can see they all produced wonderful results.

The woven textiles don´t look like the work of beginners do they?  But 3 of the 5 projects were woven by pupils with no previous experience at all, one by a student who had previously done a 12 hour one-to-one weave course with Anna, and one pupil who has studied weaving on a weekly basis at the Chicago Weaving School and, again, is a beginner-intermediate level weaver.

As always the group dynamics can make or break a course and that´s something that´s hard for a teacher to control.  This group has been wonderful, helping each other out and taking a real interest in everyone else´s projects.

We´ve had fun outside work hours as well and enjoyed a great meal out in the Casa Grande de Cristosende, the local country hotel in the same hamlet as the studio.  Salt cod, home-cooked pork stew, the local Padron peppers (a particular favourite of mine) and home-made croquettes …..  mmm.

Well done everybody and we look forward to seeing you next summer!


If your group would like to book an intensive weave class at Anna Champeney´s studio in the mountains of north Spain, please contact us (well in advance please) by email.  We offer tuition in a variety of subjects at different levels from beginner to advanced levels including textile design for weavers and double weave fabrics.

Felpa Gallega – the north west Spanish traditional weave technique

Types of felpa weave t felpa details of coverlet designs on traditional - modern covlerletsGorullo, felpa, sacado a dedo, are three names for the same loop-pile technique that constitutes one of the most popular traditional weave techniques of north Spain up until the mid 20th century.  The technique is now practically lost but a few craft weaving studios are still able to weave it or teach it.

Textilesnaturales / Anna Champeney are one such studio and tomorrow we´re giving an intensive one-to-one course to Macus, from Chicago (USA).

Traditional felpa motifs

Here are a few photos of traditional hand-woven coverlets from Galicia, north Spain, so you can see the styles and symbols used by handweavers;  a mixture of the old and the new with ancient symbols mixed with digital photography….

If you´d like an intensive one-to-one introduction to this easy but versatile and fun technique contact us!



Astoundingly beautiful – Jennifer Robertson´s double and triple cloths

scarf in gallery 900 pixIt´s not often that we profile other weavers in our blog.  But I just had to share the incredible work of Jennifer Robertson with you.  She´s a British-trained weaver but (sadly for us in Europe!!!!) emigrated to Australia in the 1986s.  She studied textiles at West Surrey College of Art and Design and then went on to the Royal College of Art in London.

I find her work is incredibly beautiful, her use of colour masterly, and there is a sheer intelligence and enjoyment of weave in her work which really resonates with me.

Enjoy the pictures – and if you possibly can – invest in a piece of her hand-woven work from her online shop.  The scarves are good value for money for what they are and  believe me, they are masterworks.  If you aspire to create beautiful and accomplished woven textiles of your own – then a textile of hers should inspire, amaze and inform you for years to come!

450 pix 500 pix 500 pix interiors

If you feel inspired by her work and have a 4 or 8 shaft loom you can weave double or triple layer fabrics.  Check out our courses or book some one-to-one tuition with us and start weaving double-weave fabrics of your own.